A Brave Labrador Saves Two Kids from a Mountain Lion and Becomes Their Guardian Angel.

Title: “Ella the Labrador’s Brave Encounter with a Mountain Lion in Cedar Hills, Utah”

A story of a brave Labrador named Ella, who faced and stood up against a mountain lion in Cedar Hills, Utah.

In Cedar Hills, Utah, a Labrador Retriever named Ella proved to be a true hero. On July 19, she showed incredible bravery when she confronted a fierce mountain lion to protect her family. Her inspiring story showcases her unwavering courage and determination as she put her life on the line to defend those she loved, even after suffering severe injuries.

The tale started on a fateful day when Crystal Michaelis and her kids were spending time in their backyard, unconcerned about the lurking danger. Their trusty 7-year-old yellow Lab, Ella, sensed the imminent threat before anyone else did. She acted strangely, constantly looking back and forth between the children and the concealed mountain lion. Michaelis noticed Ella’s unusual conduct and remarked, “She kept glancing at the kids and then looking back so quickly. My kid thought it was quite alarming even though she was just being careful.”
Realizing that something was wrong, Michaelis chose to take her children indoors. When they returned to the patio door, they were greeted with a terrifying sight. Ella had suffered severe wounds to her head, face, legs, tongue, and neck. Describing the scene, Michaelis stated, “We opened the back door and discovered Ella, covered in blood. There was blood all over the door and patio.”

Even though the Michaelis family was not present during the attack, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources officers discovered tracks of a mountain lion leading to the location. The officers speculated that the mountain lion got distracted by some goats in a nearby neighbor’s yard and ventured too close to the Michaelis’ house. Ella, the family dog, sustained severe injuries, with more than 30 bite marks on her body, especially around her shoulders, indicating that she bravely guarded her territory against the fierce predator. However, Ella’s tenacity prevailed, and despite her wounds, she is expected to make a full recovery, proving her resilience and strong spirit.

Although the mountain lion has not been seen again, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources has advised nearby residents to stay alert and be cautious. Cougars typically pursue deer as their main source of food and will often track their movements. According to Faith Jolley, a public information officer with the DWR, deer have been observed in this area as well.

Ella’s bravery is a touching example of the strong connection between people and their loyal dogs, and how far these furry friends are willing to go to keep their families safe. The community of Cedar Hills in Utah will always honor and cherish Ella, the Labrador Retriever who fearlessly defended her loved ones in the face of peril.

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